HIGH GRADE Cadex 23 gauge pins pin nails, 5/8" (15MM) - 4000 PK
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HIGH GRADE Cadex 23 gauge pins pin nails, 5/8" (15MM) - 4000 PK Buy It Now
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Thanks for your visit our website. Hopefully you will satisfied with HIGH GRADE Cadex 23 gauge pins pin nails, 5/8" (15MM) - 4000 PK. You click to HIGH GRADE Cadex 23 gauge pins pin nails, 5/8" (15MM) - 4000 PK For Check prices here. You can Buy HIGH GRADE Cadex 23 gauge pins pin nails, 5/8" (15MM) - 4000 PK Online Store.
"HIGH GRADE Cadex 23 gauge pins pin nails, 5/8" (15MM) - 4000 PK" Feature
Cadex 23 gauge pins are considered the highest quality available, developed by the same company that markets the highly rated Cadex and Nikle 23 gauge tools. The slightly rounded edges result in less pin deflection in the wood than the cheaper square pins. If you are using 23 gauge in the first place, you are likely working on fine finishing or furniture. Yes, you can buy cheaper pins, but at a fraction of a penny a pin, why compromise on your project?
Cadex headless pins will fit all 23 gauge pinners including Cadex, Nikle, Bostitch, Senco, Porter Cable, Spot Nail, and others (within rated size specification of course).
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